Watch: Discussion of workforce racial disparities & building an equitable future

New research details racial disparities in the seattle-area workforce & informs action to achieve equitable economic recovery

Seattle (February 9, 2021) - Despite a national reputation for progressive politics and a strong economy, deep racial inequities in the Puget Sound labor market are being exacerbated by the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

A new report and webinar, Advancing Workforce Equity in Seattle: A Blueprint for Action, examines racial disparities in jobs and careers, economic impacts from the pandemic, and how automation is projected to affect industries and workers in the area. The report identifies metrics to measure progress toward equitable outcomes for all communities in the region.

Informed by this research, the Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County (WDC) sought the perspectives of industry, labor, government, and community, and developed Recover Better: A Regional Plan for Equitable Economic Recovery, which outlines regional partnership strategies to align shared priorities centered on two north stars: “Equitable Economic Recovery” and “Job Quality.”

To further highlight and explore research and strategies, the WDC and National Fund hosted a live webinar to discuss the report findings, focusing on how we can build a more equitable future for workers in Puget Sound.

Panel featuring:

  • Marie Kurose, CEO, Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County

  • Amanda Cage, President and CEO, National Fund for Workforce Solutions

  • Rich Stolz, Executive Director, OneAmerica

  • W. Tali Hairston, Equity Research Specialist, Root and Branch

Topics include:

  • What kind of story does the data tell us about Seattle?

  • How does this research align with local strategic planning?

  • What is the role of partnership in designing solutions?

  • How can political will be harnessed from community and leaders?

More about Advancing Workforce Equity in Seattle: A Blueprint for Action

Advancing Workforce Equity in Seattle: A Blueprint for Action was developed through a partnership of the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County, PolicyLink, USC Equity Research Institute, and Burning Glass Technologies, with support from JPMorgan Chase. Check out the report, data, and analysis.

More about Recover Better: A Regional Plan for Equitable Economic Recovery

Recover Better: A Regional Plan for Equitable Economic Recovery was developed in partnership with Jill Nishi, a trusted expert with decades of experience in philanthropic strategic planning, program and grantmaking portfolio development, and organizational design with a focus on producing more equitable outcomes. Working closely with CEO Marie Kurose and WDC staff, a team of experts sought diverse perspectives from industry, labor, government, and community, and synthesized those perspectives with economic projections and analysis of promising practices in the workforce development field. Check out the regional strategic plan.

Contact: Joe Taylor -

The Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County (WDC) is a nonprofit workforce grant-funding organization championing a workforce and learning system that creates career pathways for adults and youth through demand-driven workforce and training programs, with the goal of an inclusive, dynamic regional economy.


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New research highlights racial disparities in the workforce in Seattle & makes actionable recommendations for equitable economic recovery